Doris Muna

How to survive mother’s day with a difficult Mom

You just woke up. Had a restful sleep, looking forward to a relaxing weekend.
The weather is warm. Looking out of the window you see flowers and trees in full bloom.
You have a sensation of peace inside of you. Such serenity.

The phone rings; it’s mother’s day and your Mom is on the line. The conversation starts off very sweet and pleasant. Then come the questions … first come the general searching ones: what did you do last night? how was your week? what are your plans for the weekend? …. Read More

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Three Signs you may be Resilient

First of all what does it mean? A befitting description and its’ challenges:

Definition of resilience:
The capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress.
An ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.

I will have some tips at the end on how to develop resilience, but first let us examine what is involved:

1. Survival:
The fact you are reading this shows you are resilient because you have endured the winter months and perhaps, have had a cold and felt like you were struggling. By the way, this also happens in the animal kingdom. Many animals, large and small, perish in the harsh winter weather, for lack of shelter and food. Some do survive and make it to spring where the weather is mild, food a plenty and life is full of beautiful flowers. Butterflies come out of their cocoons. You, my dear, survived. That is what makes you resilient!

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Valentine’s and self love

Valentine’s is here again and this year I would like to reflect on another aspect of love.

A group of friends and I were discussing the love aspect of Valentine’s. The conversation moved on to what to give our loved ones and then, we started to explore what we received from our loved ones. It is this receiving and giving aspect of “Love” that made the conversation move to what each one of us valued about the love aspect of a Valentine’s gift.

One explained that she does not need a reminder that is made up. Just because it’s now become a big industry to give someone you love something on Valentine’s, is it more meaningful than a rose given at another time? chocolate? hug? kiss? or something else? Do we need a reminder to tell a loved one we love them? or for them to affirm their love?

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Give Yourself a Holiday Gift of Self-Acceptance

As we head towards the holiday season, what are you preparing for? Happy gatherings with friends and family? Bright decorations hanging on the trees, walls and windows? Delicious kitchen aromas wafting by from roasts, sauces and pies? There is charm in all of this and special moments to cherish.

Many of us look back on such things with love and kindness. We experience a longing for the family/tribe we belonged to when we entered this world, the family who cared for us and took us in. Are you, too, expecting love and warmth from those around you this season?

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Awareness and Action options to help dealing with Cancer.

It is the biggest shock, sitting in the doctor’s office, after taking a biopsy and hearing, “Unfortunately…” They don’t need to finish the sentence. One just knows. The days after were a blur of the mental scenarios, of perhaps one can be hopeful to be spared this fate. But it seems not.

Traditional medicine offers all sorts of causes and statistics and limited treatment options; chemo, radiation, Tamoxifen, mastectomies, and recently immunology along with all the reasons to follow the path of famous movie stars who have opted for this or that. “C” patients enter an alley of brainwashing and conditioning – appealing to the fears and “what ifs” with statistics that do not show the number of people who have actually died from such treatments, because they died from “complications of the treatments”, which puts them in a different category. The amount of money gained by hospitals, insurance companies, and the companies that manufacture those drugs is staggering.

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