Are you a pessimist or optimist?
When it comes to the analogy of “the glass is half full or have empty,” which one do you refer to? Many may say it has nothing to do with being an optimist or pessimist it has to do with how you see life. Which, does ring true however, it’s good to know which one best fits you as this can help when communicating with others. Let me explain.
A pessimist will see the glass as half empty and will most likely say they are a realist dealing with facts not visions of grandeur.
An optimist will always see the glass as half full and are many times told they see life through rose colored glasses.
But neither one is wrong or right as it’s all perception. Each one has its strengths and weaknesses when it comes to viewing the world. Let’s break it down a bit.
Are you a pessimist or optimist? Read More »