Is being sick getting you down?

More importantly, it seems that when we become sick it not only messes with our body it seems to damper our mind and sprit as well. When we are down for the count for several days, it tends to cause depression in many as we fight to regain composure of our weakened state. Even though we want to get over being sick quickly our bodies refuse to comply, and with most cases, when we try to quicken the rate of recovery we tend to lapse causing even more downtime than imagined. Personally, I believe you need to give yourself time to heal in order to make a full recovery.

By allowing yourself the downtime to rest you help the recovery process to take place that much more quickly. You allow your mind, body, and sprit an opportunity to rejuvenate itself. In today’s fast paced environment of having to perform at warped speed we truly don’t give our bodies and minds a chance to regroup and truly rest, as it should be. When you work so hard to keep going without the rest you need you wear down the barrier that helps your body to fight off disease and sickness.

Keeping the immune system strong and healthy will give you a better chance of not catching the flu in the first place or if you do get the flu you recover faster. I am not an advocate of over dosing of vitamins, but it seems the ones that help are echinacea, vitamin c, zinc to mention a few. Ask your health professional to recommend some.

There are other ways to keep the immune system working for us but following some life style guidelines for relaxation and de-stressing:

  • putting the electronics aside
  • turning the TV off
  • read or write before you retire for the evening
  • go to bed a bit earlier
  • work to turn off your mind
  • meditate

By doing these simple things each day you essentially reset your body to unwind, relax, and rest. This is what truly offsets the flu bug more than anything, recharging your battery, letting you take on the next day with renewed energy.

Here’s to your health.

Much blessings,

Doris Muna

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