How true is your blue?

As with the world, we all see life and colors through our eyes. This represents how we’ve been raised while growing up. How else can you explain how one person can see the face of a stranger as frightening while the other see’s compassion or kindness within the same face?

When we look at life we see it through the experience of growing up. We have our own set of glasses that we see the world through. Being told:

  • what and what not to do.
  • What to like and not like.
  • Who to trust and not trust.

We can only base our lives on what we’ve learned over the years from childhood into adulthood into maturity. Each of our lives are made up of thousands of moments and lessons we’ve been taught from our parents to our teachers to our friends. When we gather all this information, based on our own experiences, can we truly say the sky is powder blue or baby blue. It’s these little life lessons that allow us to decipher what’s right and what’s not for us, and no one else. Only we know what makes us happy, sad, mad or joyful.

That’s why life is such a wonderful place of life experiences that make us who we are, how we see life, how we view people, where we get our virtues, morels and values. We are all made up of thousands and thousands of minute experiences and lessons. Based on these is how we judge others as well as ourselves or simply judge in general. These lessons over our life time allows us to be:

  • Compassionate
  • Loving
  • Understanding

Because when we realize that we are all a part of something bigger than ourselves, can we understand that when we judge those around us, we are simply judging ourselves as well. That when we hurt one, we all hurt together.

Regardless of the color of the sky it’s there, you can see it, you can feel the breeze on your face all knowing that life’s lessons have made you who you are. It’s simply up to you on how you cherish it and see life through your experiences. Put on the happy glasses!

Much blessings,

Doris Muna

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