Join me for a guided, one-hour Full Moon Meditation
Full Moon Meditation & WESAK 2021
Date: This event is recurring every Full Moon.
Next event: Monday April 26, 2021 at
Time: 5pm until 6pm PDT (via zoom broadcasting)
Information: Full pink moon
Register here:
To register: (upon registration, you will be sent a zoom link and an exercise link to do before the meditation)
Regardless of whether meditation is new to you or if you are an experienced practitioner all are welcome.
Meditation allows for introspection by taking time to still the body, quiet the mind, and just be in the present moment. Through meditation we can bring ourselves back into balance and cultivate space to hear and integrate the wisdom of the inner self into our conscious being.
I look forward to connecting with you then!
Lots of Blessings
*** the broadcast will be posted on Facebook aftewards.
The Wesak Festival and Celebration is a yearly Source of Inner Strength and Rapid Spiritual Development for all Practitioners.