Sound familiar? Instead of relaxing and taking some much-needed down time we run a marathon to do as much as possible, because we need to make the most of our vacation. But instead of feeling rested and relaxed we come home exhausted.
Vacations should be to rejuvenate and get a chance to turn our on button off for a while. Why not take some time to;
- Read a good book by the pool and relax
- Take a nap before you go to dinner
- Get a massage
- Schedule a day where you do nothing but relax
- Walk around the vacation spot and discover the local attractions
- Turn your phone, laptop…etc off.
- Detach from work and responsibilities for at least a day. You are on vacation!
By scheduling some real down time, you will enjoy your vacation and feel much more rested when you return home. Remember, it’s stressful enough to travel, take your va-cation time to relax and rejuvenate your mind and body.
Here’s to a relaxing vacation.
Many blessings,
Doris Muna