Time to nurture yourself and start your healing journey

Self-care is important to maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself. It means doing things to take care of our mind, body, and soul by engaging in activities that promote
well-being and reduce stress. Self-care is one of the basic healing approaches. Think of the body as the place that your soul resides in. As the soul is pure, we should make
sure our body is worthy of it. What I don’t mean by nurturing your soul is to go spend thousands of dollars on new clothes and shoes or other material things. Self-care is more about being aware of what you need and making sure that you take care of your body by nourishing it with good food, hydration, adequate exercise and plenty of care.

Also ask yourself, what self-care means to you. Picture yourself as a baby and your mom is taking care of you and nurturing you. You can be the caring Mom for yourself. Living a healthy lifestyle includes eating healthy foods, avoiding alcohol and sugary drinks, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, avoiding drugs and other unhealthy habits. Think of your body as a fragile flower, how would you take care for it so that it can flower and blossom. Springtime is the time of birth, growth, and new beginnings. It is a time to blossom and bloom. Assess your lifestyle and see what areas you can make changes in to switch to a more nurturing lifestyle and where in your routine you can you substitute healthy options instead of the unhealthy ones.

Change takes time and effort. It is sometimes easy to slip into old habits that sabotage our efforts to a healthy living. When it seems tempting to open a bag of chips and drink a soda, just remind yourself about the goals that you have for yourself and instead practice some self-care by peeling fruits or making a salad instead. Planning is crucial for the success of moving to healthy eating habits and sticking to them. Here are some of my suggestions that can help you in nurturing your body:

– Drinking plain water between meals helps with the hunger pangs.
– Having a bowl of cut up fruit and vegetables available in the fridge for snack time.
– Avoid temptation by eliminating unhealthy snacks from the house.
– Eat only at the kitchen table or dining room, not at desk or in front of TV
– Walk 15 minutes 3 times a day to keep your metabolism active.
– Keep a diary of how you feel each day; your joints, muscles, any pain, etc.
– Notice if your sleep is more restful.
– Take a selfie of your face before you start and after you finish and compare.
– Keep a target date in mind and focus on that to keep you motivated.
– Have a friend join you and check in with each other and share what worked for you.

This is to get you started. You can also write about this journey and share it with friends. You could be helping someone who needs some inspiration. You can not only nurture yourself, but help others at the same time. I would like to support your self-care journey! I have put together a “Nurture yourself gift bundle” that will help you to relax and feel balanced.


Wishing you all the best!
Lots of Blessings
Doris Muna
Founder: Dorothea Healing.

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