Spiritual Healing to reduce Menopause Symptoms – Tips to combat the symptoms of menopause and get beyond the pain

When it comes to the symptoms of menopause—both physical (hot flashes, chills, sleep changes) and mental (anxiety, irritability, depression)—finding relief can be as urgent as it is complicated. Because every person going through menopause will have differing levels of severity when it comes to their symptoms, the same goes for what will help with the issues. For some, making changes to their diet may help, while others may find aid in the form of acupuncture.

The understanding of menopause has certainly changed in the last decade as new studies and alternative options are coming to light.

Per Mayo Clinic, “Menopause is the time that marks the end of your menstrual cycles. It’s diagnosed after you’ve gone 12 months without a menstrual period. Menopause can happen in your 40s or 50s, but the average age is 51 in the United States.”

A few generations ago women just avoided discussing their symptoms and felt overwhelmed by both, the physical and emotional symptoms. These symptoms are a combination of:

  • Physical decline; your body feeling weaker and more prone to accidents.
  • Bone loss; the fear of falling and breaking a bone stops many from performing exercise and being adventurous.
  • Fatigue; despite rest and less responsibilities women feel they need to slow down.
  • Hot flashes; the dreaded night sweats and uncontrollable flushing which embarrasses many and results in less socializing.
  • Depression; not understanding what is going on with your body can lead to depression.
  • Insomnia; Not having a restful night can result in lethargy and irritability.
  • Low sex drive; A change from the balance of having a satisfied libido.
  • Vaginal dryness; Uncomfortable condition whether engaging in sex or not.
  • Frequent urination and Urinary tract infections; This is real grievance for many women going through menopause.
  • Irritability and short fuse; Finding lack of patience with all that is going on.
  • Appearance and general grooming; hair loss, brittle nails, weight gain due to a slow metabolism and hormonal changes.
  • Brain fog and the inability to concentrate.

The above are symptoms that are the most common. Each person is different, it is not necessary you will experience all.  Even if you experience a couple of symptoms, it is still a challenging period of a woman’s life.

On the positive side, menopause does not last forever. It is a few months up to a couple of years. Again each woman is different and as symptoms vary, become intense or disappear, somehow knowing it is a transition stage makes it easier to cope with.

The first call to action is to check with your OGBYN doctor to rule out any health issues.

Next you want to take a stock of your life and find all the stressors and things that are not working for you. Writing down what are the positives and negatives in your life will help you see that balance.  Once you have that vision of your life, a call to action is to up your wellness routine. Lifestyle is what we want to look at in detail.

My advice to my clients is to include these elements in their life routine:

  • Daily exercise; a combination of walking, weight building, yoga, aerobics. You can do one day of each and repeat the ones you like best and that will get you going. Any regimen of exercise needs to start slow, even 10 minutes a day and build up your stamina and muscles. You don’t want to injure your muscles as that will derail you.
  • Diet; we are what we eat. You eat junky food with no nutritional value, your health and wellbeing will suffer. Drink healthy beverage rather than caffeine filled sugary drinks. Water is your best friend. Keep it handy and drink all day. Measure how much you are actually drinking. Aim for 64 oz a day.
  • Meditate; a great habit to develop. It helps calm the brain and anxiety and get you to center and be focused.
  • Breathe; It is for free! fill your lungs with oxygen, the greatest antioxidant around. Ask your yoga instructor on how to do Pranayama, breathing.
  • Hobby; pick up a new hobby, whether to cycle, play cards, or learn a new language, all will help stimulate your brain and shift your focus.
  • Nutrition; Eat healthy foods with mainly fruits and vegetables. Try vegan for a couple of days a week. Experiment with flavors and different ingredients. Find a good holistic doctor or homeopath and get your supplements updated and re checked. As we mature in body our needs change.
  • Self-care; Block time for yourself to visit a spa, walk in nature, visit with friends and travel. Even an overnight trip to a close town will give you a change that will perk you up and a break well deserved.
  • Put “yourself” and your wellness as a priority. Life can always be busy, commitments and obligations are never ending. It is so easy to lose ourselves and put our own needs last. Women are naturally care givers and nurturers. You are at that time of your life that you need to focus that energy on yourself.

One great aspect of the menopause stage is being a sage. Many women develop better intuition, wisdom and vision. Feel encouraged and start developing those skills and let them guide you through this transition.

In my practice, I have helped hundreds of women find their happy balance. I invite you try our products that help this process. These are some of my recommendations:

  1. Flower essences; Geranium; https://www.dorotheaessences.com/collections/flower-essences-1/products/geranium-flower-essence
  2. Spa products; https://www.dorotheaessences.com/collections/spa-products
  3. Online workshop; relax and destress:


We hope you will find something that will support you on your journey of wellness.

Schedule a call to learn about our consulting services where we combine flower essences, herbs, nature remedies and education to guide you through this transition.


Lots of Blessings

Doris Muna

Founder: Dorothea Healing






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