Shout It on The Roof Tops!

  • Your first bike ride
  • When you learned your ABC’s
  • The first time you rolled down a grassy field with glee
  • Your first friend or Love

Now why do you think it takes so much more for us to feel giddy or so happy you could scream? I believe it starts with all the limitations life puts on us. Each time we are told no or hurt we start to put up walls to protect our feelings. But in these walls, we also cut ourselves off from opportunity, love, trust, abundance, and life. By building those walls the things that make us happy become fewer and farther away, because we don’t want to get hurt. But what if you tore down those walls? What if you opened yourself up to opportunity? Imagine how big your world would become and free you would feel. After all, it’s a lot of work to keep building those walls. Wouldn’t you rather take some chances and live more freely, without the constraints of “what if”? You can, all you have to do is trust. Trust in yourself and the process. This doesn’t mean you go forth without any caution, it simply means you add one less brick and one less section to your wall.

Set yourself free and take down your walls. Not every situation or new experience hurts, in fact many times it does quite the opposite and allows you to be you, the real you without any constraints. Embrace the love and joy and success and shout it out. You are worthy of the recognition and acceptance. Start with yourself and the whole world will follow suit.

Many blessings,

Doris Muna

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