Each year we have the opportunity to make changes, but we also have the chance to review everything that went well. This is what we should be concentrating on at the beginning of each year. By listing all the things that went well, and only the things that went well, it forces us to really stretch our minds in a more positive direction.
The next time you make your list of resolutions, I challenge you to only list those things:
- that gave you joy,
- made you feel alive,
- gave you the power to overcome,
- skills you acquired over the year,
- new friendships gained,
- family resolutions that brought you closer together.
It’s time we start to celebrate what we did well over the past year instead of what we need to work on. By doing so you start each year off with a positive start instead of in the arrears.
Here’s to a new wave of resolutions of what you’ll do more of in the coming year, that really worked and made you feel whole.
Doris Muna