Keep Moving Forward: Embracing Change and Nurturing Wellbeing During the Eclipse

The anticipation builds as we approach the celestial spectacle of the total eclipse on the 8th of April, a phenomenon that promises not just awe-inspiring views but also significant emotional and energetic shifts. The total eclipse is happening on the 8th of April. As with any planetary changes, emotional upheaval happens, and our lives seem to go tipsy-turvy. With that in mind, plan accordingly and have some plans to apply should you encounter some turmoil in your life. The best foolproof approach is to take care of your health and wellbeing to keep you grounded:

  • Healthy eating
  • Hydrate
  • Exercise

Lots of emotions will fly. Find a de-stressing plan like journaling your feelings and acknowledge you are feeling off rather than suppressing it. Communicate that with your loved ones and colleagues at work. Talk to your pet about how you feel. Believe me, they are the angels in our lives and will give you a sympathetic ear to hear you out.

Go into nature, even a walk around the block will help. If you are living in the path of the eclipse, make sure you have the protective lenses to ensure your eyes are safe and don’t suffer any damage. If you cannot see the eclipse from where you live, you will feel the vibes. Happily, it is a short period but will be felt emotionally by some. Spiritually, eclipses are a time to let go of things that do not serve you. A time of change and rebirth. Look at your life and reflect on what you can let go of, like a habit that is not healthy or holding you back from moving forward in your life. This is a spring cleaning of your emotional and spiritual closets. A lot of reflection and assessment of the way you do things could be an easier way to identify the changes you want to make. This can last for a few hours or maybe a couple of days, but you will know when a shift is clear to you and how a new approach will make your life better and more fulfilled.

A time for reflection and assessment. As tax season is about to end, this makes us reflect on the past year and take note of good and bad decisions and what lessons those brought to us. We also are still in the energy of Easter and the rebirth, which is propelling us to create and shift. All this energetic movement is pushing us along to change and the new possibilities that are ahead of us. A wonderful time to be witnessing these changes and be part of this momentum. Spring is a time of birthing, and so are our energies trying to create something better for us to experience. Expand your connections with others and radiate more kindness and positivity towards others and towards yourself. Self-nurturing and care must be your priority. Only then can you extend that energy to others.

It is truly a wonderful time in our lives to be present with all that is going on energetically. Be open to shifting and to change. Stay positive and radiate lots of love. May this eclipse be an enlightening experience and a creation of wonderful changes for the better.

Lots of Blessings,


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