Is Being Thankful Exhausting?

You may not be alone with your thoughts of being exhausted hearing all about being thankful this month. But keep this in mind, not everyone may be experiencing the same sentiment as you. Many times, we tend to look at our lives differently during the holiday season. Thoughts of your high school reunion may come to mind. Who’s more successful than me? I need to lose weight before I go or I’m not going? Nobody I really liked in high school is worth seeing anyway.

With thoughts like these it’s no surprise why many shut themselves in and away from society as they work to cope with their inequalities, insecurities, or circumstances. But it doesn’t have to be this way every holiday. You too can have something to be thankful for even if you don’t really see it now. Keep in mind that there are many out there with so much less than you and loving life. So, what’s their secret?

  • Studies show that those who have less stuff have less to worry about.
  • Being happy or thankful is simply a mindset that you either believe in or not, but only you change the outcome.
  • Writing down everything you are grateful for, even if it’s just a great cup of coffee, can start a chain reaction of more things to be grateful for.
  • Simplifying your life can help you get a better picture of what’s really important to you.

Whatever approach you choose, be comfortable in it. Try to modify your mindset or actions to get you to change slowly to a more grateful state. A long journey starts with one step, and then another, and then another …. Respect and honor your feelings and be open to a little change.


Doris Muna

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