
When someone asks for help do you ask many of the above questions yourself, especially if there are more unknowns then knowns? However, there are also many that don’t and go forward willing to take on the challenge at hand to simply help a fellow human being or animal in crisis. It’s these individuals who are willing to put their own safety aside to help. I imagine the questions they would be asking are quite different:

  • How can I help?
  • What do you need from me to help you to safety or through this challenge?
  • I’m here, what do you need?

Many of us would love to have those who pitch in and help no matter what the situation, but as we’ve seen through history, most simply watch in horror not knowing what to do. It goes back to the fight or flight scenario, which can many times cause paralysis. But keep this in mind, all it takes is one person to step forward and soon others follow. And those who do step forward will usually say, “I’m no hero, I simply did what I had to do to help.”

Deep inside of us there is a hero that is at the ready to help, sometimes we just need a little nudge to wake this hero up. By being the first one to step forward and help, you start the process of healing for everyone around you as they follow your lead. Next time someone yells help, will you be at the ready to be the first one to step forward and do something? I bet you will, as you allow your inner hero to go into action.

Many blessings,

Doris Muna

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