Can You Relate To The Adams Family Better Than Your Own?

Even though family time can be challenging, as we grow older, we have choices.

  • We can try to talk it out and work towards getting past hurtful incidents.
  • We can simply choose to be in separate states and only spend time during the holidays or an occasional call.
  • We can enlist professional help to allow us to talk and heal.
  • We can choose to put hurt feelings aside and realize we only have one family.

No matter your choice, the only ones we hurt is ourselves as we hold on to old hurt and anger. Maybe it’s time to finally let go and heal. Know that we all may not see eye to eye, but that’s what makes the world so wonderful, differing opinions, different ideas, and different ways of viewing things. Let’s work to heal and let go this month, at which point, you may start to see your family in whole new light.


Doris Muna

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