With all of those treatments, the best thing that can be achieved is halting the spread of the disease, removing it, and hoping those treatments will stop it from coming back. All the while, a little line continues to be repeated: “There is no guarantee it will not come back.”
Traditional treatments are not curing the disease; they are just containing it and delaying its progress.
Here is where options of Alternate and Energy Healing comes in.
In my practice, I get a lot of clients who are curious how we deal with this disease, usually after they have had a few chemo sessions that stuns them with the reality of the treatments. Often they cannot deal with the after effects whether physical or emotional.
As an Energy Healer, we want to find the cause of the disease and treat it, not contain it nor put it on the back burner. We dig into the cause of it, what triggered this imbalance of energy in that person that their system rebelled or led to this “C” overcoming their defense system. When and why did their internal alert system not notice this imbalance.
Which leads us to observe that this “C” condition has festered in one’s body for years before it disrupted the healthy cells and allowed parasitic intrusions to occur. As the immune system weakened, these diseased cells gained strength.
Here are seven points to consider for those who do not believe alternative healing can cure this disease or other ailments and for those who may be interested in trying this approach to wellness whether you have the “C” condition or not:
1. The body’s condition of health, immunity, and alkalinity (vs. acidity) must be addressed to see if it is what the person is eating, drinking, or otherwise ingesting that is creating inflammation in the body. We muscle test, scan all the food the client consumes, and put them on a special diet that is suitable for their bodies and needs. All supplements are also assessed, as most people are taking supplements they don’t need. We also use Dorothea flower essences https://www.dorotheaessences.com/collections/flower-essences as part of the treatment.
2. Identifying and addressing old hurts that are negatively impacting our lives is key. Not dealing with them will find their way to one disease or another. We have to get those cleared out of the Mental and Emotional bodies! We call this part “holding sacred space” to release old hurts and negative thoughts.
3. Exercise and moving the energy around is very important. As we run through our “holding sacred space” program, a lot of emotional toxins are released, and exercise is one of the most important shifters of stale, used up energy. The constant supply of oxygen to the lungs that supply the body. Oxygen is a “C” zapper!
4. Meditation is also incredibly healing. We share 5 healing meditations that have helped many of our clients. They activate certain centers of the brain, increase the oxygen flow, and wake up parts of our brain that are dormant. This contributes to accelerating the healing process.
5. Energy Healing is a modality of no-touch healing where we clear the energy pathways, both chakras and meridians of energy blockages and we energize them so the client is in a better shape to fight off the intrusions. We balance the energetic bodies of a person so the energy flows in a smooth and unobstructed flow. We encourage our clients to learn this technique, so they can cope with their own healing process as a way to empower them and accelerate the healing.
6. We look at the Lifestyle and where the toxic energy is coming from. This is a process of change to the healthier lifestyle that works for each person. We all have different needs. What works for you is key.
7. We also encourage our clients to focus on Gratitude, Karma, and the Spiritual Journey they are taking. Life is a journey, with many lessons on the way. We support your journey with non judgement and understanding. We mirror what is going on and most clients see that immediately.
Doris Muna has been practicing Energy Healing for over 25 years with a lot of success with clients who were curious about this process and appreciative and grateful they connected. It has also brought the creation of the “flower essences that help the soul find it’s purpose”
The journey for both myself and my clients has been blessed.
*a slightly different version of this article was written by Doris Muna in 2015.*