Are You a Sweaty Palm Flyer?

Yet each time they fly they land safely, walk off the plane in one piece, and live another day unscathed. So why is it that we allow fears to seep into your psyche? Why do we allow these fears to cause our hearts to race faster, get sweaty palms, or the need to take a sedative just to get through the flight?

Each year it has been proven that you have a higher chance of getting hurt in a car ac-cident or slipping in the tub then dying from a plane crash. It’s one of the safest forms of travel. But there are still thousand who literally hate to travel simply because of the fear of flying.

If you think about it, most of us fly domestic flights that take no longer than 5 hours to complete from one destination to another. But for some it can be the longest 5 hours of their lives. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, there are many ways to combat this fear.

  • Meditation can help by allowing you to calm your nerves and dissipate your fears.
  • Deep breathing exercises. Concentrate on your breathing and allow your-self to relax.
  • Take herbal tea and avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugary drinks.
  • Music can help along with breathing. By listening to soothing music, you cut out all the noise around you and puts you in a calm state.
  • Take a book along and get absorbed in it.

It’s simply a matter of adjusting your mindset about the whole process. Even when you first step into the airport and go through security, head to your gate, and begin board-ing….simply breath.

Here’s to safe and stress-free travel. Enjoy your travels and make the most of your time off.

Many blessings,

Doris Muna

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