Are you a pessimist or optimist?


  • Life isn’t always a nice place.
  • Most people are untrustworthy.
  • Their expectations are low, so they won’t be disappointed again.
  • They will anticipate the worse much of the time.
  • They are skeptic and need a lot more evidence to have belief in something or someone.
  • They consider themselves a realist.


  • Life looks good most of the time.
  • They are much more trusting.
  • They usually see more good in people than bad.
  • Their expectations are usually high.
  • They have a better attitude towards life in general.
  • They block out negativity and it’s trauma.

Simply put, the pessimist is more negative while the optimist is more positive in nature. But we need both in order to see both sides to any equation or lesson. While the optimist will bring a sense of light to a subject a pessimist will look through the smoking glass in order to see what’s beneath the surface.

While most will say it’s better to be a pessimist as opposed to an optimist, it’s always good to see that there is good in life. Both of these are the yen and the yang of life. While one sees the beauty the other sees the beast. While one see’s hopelessness the other sees hope no matter the circumstance. Before you decide which is better, pessimist or optimist, simply look at both sides as they complement each other. Look at your life and assess it. It will be an interesting journey of discovery.

Much blessings,

Doris Muna