In today’s world, it seems to be harder and harder for most to simply put their electronic devices down, (i.e., iPhones, smart phones, tablets). When we work to stay on 24/7 we don’t give ourselves time to shut down. Shut down our brains, our minds, our body, and soul. We weren’t meant to be on as long as our smart phones can hold a battery charge.
Haven’t you noticed that when you don’t take the opportunity to shut off your smart phone or computer it tends to lag or work much slower? Yet when you re-boot it, it seems to come alive with a new vigor, speed and ready to compute. So why aren’t you doing the same for yourself?
Isn’t it time to turn it off, allowing you to have the time your body and mind needs to rejuvenate itself? By simply hitting or pressing the off button you allow yourself to relax and not worry about the next Tweet, post or text. Your body and mind can rest and reboot for a better you. But you can’t do this if you don’t turn off your smart phone or tablet.
Give yourself the same chance to recharge your battery by turning it off and putting it off to the side for the next day. This will allow you time to regroup for another splendid day. Try it out, I bet the air will smell better, your food will taste better, and your life will be better.
Much blessings,
Doris Muna