Getting Back into Flow

Summer has arrived and brought with it a return to freedom. The State of California is now open for business post-pandemic style.  The beaches are packed.  People are planning vacations, weddings are back on, camps are back in session, and live music concerts are rocking.  It is so strange to walk out without a mask or walk into stores where masks are now optional.

It can be a little anxiety-provoking as we test the waters. Is it safe to go without a mask? Can we trust our fellow shoppers?  We have been pulled in so many different directions about what is true, safe, and whom we can trust. Now we must rewire our thinking to reenter the world.

Working with my clients, I’m finding a common theme of hesitancy, anxiety, and fear about returning to some of their old activities.  The pandemic drastically altered our daily routines.  All the spiritual activities that feed our souls were either moved to zoom or delayed.  Many of the social events that brought joy, connection, community, and friendship were canceled.  Even the small moments of connection, like having a conversation with a stranger while waiting in line in the market, disappeared during Covid.

The byproduct of this isolation was introspection. We had much more time to review our life paths, worry about the future, and tap into old limiting beliefs, fears, and anxieties.  It was hard not to get overwhelmed by the dark energy constantly being invoked by the news, politics, and pandemic.

Many relationships we impacted as families and friends became polarized around the issues.

People experienced financial hardship and are struggling to reinvent their career paths. In addition, families lost loved ones and have not been able to fully morn them.

It’s a lot to come back from. So, when Govern Newsom proclaimed on June 15, 2021, time to get back to life, some of us are still struggling with the question…

How Do I Get Back in Flow?

It’s been one miracle after another.  I had no idea why now was the time to create this flower essence combination. I just listened to the Plants and Spirit and the deep calling I felt within.  And then the pandemic hit.

After having my “aha” moment with the plants, I realized that I could be a life support system for people to change and evolve with my Flower Plant Essences. I knew that was what people needed right now.

People are ready to move on and just need the proper support to do that.  I am so blessed to be able to offer my new workshop series to transform people’s limiting beliefs, help them heal, and get back to life.

I would love to work with you to get your life back in flow.

In my new flower essence series, DOROTHEA HHT” FOUR MONTH HOME HEALING THERAPY.

We work on removing the inner blocks that are keeping you from true joy and happiness.  Using our specially formulated flower essences and audio meditations to clear and heal old trauma and limiting beliefs opens a path to:

  • Achieving Harmony in your relationships
  • Attracting Money and Abundance in your life
  • Connecting to Guidance and Spirit

Flower Essences are a vital piece of the program.   Flower essences are a form of herbal medicine used in flower therapy. The tincture contains the vibrational energy of the flower, which works to improve negative thoughts and emotions.

Our beautiful hand-crafted whole flower essences are named for their true purposes to bring more Serenity – Harmony – Prosperity – Grace to your world.

 In Step One of our Four-Month Series, we work to restore serenity.

This essence helps eliminate anxiety, distress, depression, confusion, and that general sense of hopelessness. By removing these blocks, we can start the healing process to Restore Your Serenity.

We start with the foundation. Just like when getting ready for a gathering, you clean and clear your home. Next, we need to clean and clear the spiritual and emotional body to make space for relationships, joy, creativity, and abundance.

The Flower Essences support and enhance the healing process, allowing you to heal the past, letting go of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that no longer serve you.  We recommend listening to the meditation and using the flower essences for healing daily to support you on your journey. 

With newfound freedom from the past, you will be able to successfully move on to the next higher level of work with new confidence, an open heart, and Spirit.


For more information or to purchase The Home Healing Therapy kit, use the link below.

Specially priced for a limited time only

JUST $247! including the Flower essences and the Audio MEDITATIONS


For a limited time, I am also including a free 15 Minute Private Consultation to help you move forward on your journey. My intention is to be supportive and there for you as you shift and change. This is why I am offering this Consultation, as well as addressing any questions you may have and give insights on your changes.

As an energy healer, I have helped many go through this process with ease, using an alternative approach to wellness. We like to use flower essences and herbs to create a healthy way to heal. Our Home Healing Therapy flower essence kit has been a wonderful gift from Nature, shifting your energies slowly and safely.

If you would like to schedule a free consultation to talk about how energy healing can help you, please contact me here.

I look forward to speaking with you.

Wishing you all the best on your healing journey!


Lots of Blessings

Doris Muna

Founder: Dorothea Essences